Expect the Best

Being a custom home builder requires us to wear a number of different hats. We act a bit as a realtor, helping folks find the best lot for their dream home. It may be a neighborhood that we’re familiar with, or perhaps a piece of land a client has fallen in love with. At that point, we take off our “realtor” hat and put on a “site engineer” hat. Is this plot suitable for the home our client has in mind?

We work a bit as an architect. Once we’ve developed your “wish list” of desired features, we can gather a list of blueprints and schematics that would seem to meet your needs, and come up with a plan for your new home.

We’re also a contractor. From pouring a foundation to installing electric and plumbing – initial framing to final trimwork – we have the knowledge, expertise, and experience to ensure that each step of the building process is of the highest quality.

This is part of the reason we’re proud to be member of the Southern Living Custom Builder Program. Southern Living has verified our commitment to creating quality homes, our dedication to craftsmanship, and our responsible business practices. It’s not easy to join, and while it’s a membership we pay for, it’s worth every penny. To us, it’s like the fancy diploma hanging in your doctor’s office – we worked hard to get this.

Truth be told, we don’t mix every batch of concrete. We don’t hammer every nail, and we don’t install every light socket. We surround ourselves with the best professionals and contractors we can find, and trust them to use their expertise to do the job right.

We came from a family of builders, though. When we started this company in 1996, we brought with us the lessons learned. For almost 30 years, we’ve been producing incredible homes for satisfied clients. Many of them were referred by past clients, and many of them return to us for a new custom home as their lives and needs evolve.

When we hand you the keys to your new home, you can be comfortable in the fact that we’ve personally approved every inch of your house, overseen every step of your build, and guarantee you enjoyment for years to come.

When you’re building your dream home, should you expect any less?